River Barak is one of the 111 National Waterways (National Waterway no. 16) as per National Waterways Act, 2016. The total length of this National Waterway-16 is 121 km (Lakhipur- Bhanga). IWAI has two permanent terminals on NW-16, one each at Badarpur (on NW-14) & Karimganj (on IBP Route 3,4 & 7,8). The terminal location at Badarpur and Karimganj was taken over by IWAI during Dec’2016. Karimganj terminal is one of the ports of Call between India and Bangladesh under PIWT&T. Badarpur terminal has also been declared as an extended port of Call of Karimganj in May 2020. Both the terminals has been renovated by CPWD on deposit work basis. For development of Fairway 65 % of dredging work has been completed by May 2020 in the Bhanga to Ujjainigram stretch (48 km) along with installation of Navigational marks. Now IWAI has entrusted DCI for development & maintenance of Fairway in Bhanga to Badarpur (10.5 km) stretch. Development of IWT based multimodal terminal at Silchar is also planned. Construction of IWT terminal completed (IBP Route no. 9-10).