Estimated cost (Rs. in lakhs):
41.08 (18.90 + 22.18)
Name of the Contractor to whom work has been Awarded:
मैसर्स बाबा किणाराम एंटरप्राइजेज,वाराणसी
Competitive bidding or nomination basis:
प्रतिस्पर्धी बोली
Awarded cost of the work (Rs. in lakhs):
29.98 (14.64+15.34)
ESI / Labour registration details (if applicable):
श्रम पंजीकरण/11972,दिनांक10.03.04
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Office Location:
Name of the work:
इलाहाबाद और भागलपुर मेंतैरतापैंटून गैंगवेडालना।